Saturday 5 December 2009

What Day Is It?

Sadly I had to attend a family funeral service this week.

We have to travel up and down the motorway to attend the services (there were 2) and it sort of threw out my body clock. I woke up on Thursday convinced that it was Saturday and started to do all of the things that I normally do on Saturday - even when the paper didn't arrive (we only have papers delivered at weekends) it didn't click.

Anyway, I don't travel to the match these days. I prefer the comfort of my own home and watch the results as they happen on the Sky Gillette Soccer Service. So, got a nice hot cup of tea, fluffed up the cushions on my favourite chair, sat down, switched on... ...No soccer reports - it wasn't Saturday at all, it was Thursday.

Oh well...

1 comment:

  1. I guess this is something I have to look forward to. The only time I forget things is when I repeatedly do the same task over and over and over again. When I contradance, I get a sort of trance induced Dementia regarding what I need to do next. And when I type, I'm always dropping words. I think them but they completely bypass my fingers. I am slowly morphing into a senior.
