Monday 5 October 2009

Late Breakfast

We bought this Krups egg boiler in the seventies and it's still going strong. I use it myself about three to four times a week, and it's used for eggs with salads and curries and that sort of thing. It couldn't be simpler - pierce the eggs with the supplied plastic water measure; fill the measure with water up to a level for hard, medium or soft; pour it into the boiler; put the lid on... then switch on. It makes a buzzing noise when they're ready.

Anyway... This morning I really fancied my regular intake of hard-boiled eggs: Butter the bread, place it on a tray (with a tisue) and the salt cellar, add a small plate, egg cup and spoon to the tray and I'm ready to go. I set up the boiler, switched on and waited.

After a few minutes I hear the tell-tale buzz, dash into the kitchen, lift the lid and...... I've forgotten to put the eggs in!

Ah well... another late breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. You have to laugh or you go mad. Have many instances of seeing to the surrounding issues and not dealing with the core matter.

    I remember.........damm I forgot!

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